
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My 3 weeks in Sanur, Bali.

Hey guys! Soooo right after my birthday chalet (which lasted from 18th-20th) I was set to fly to Bali for 3 WEEKS!!! To be exact, 26 days. That is of course thanks to my boyfriend's mum who so kindly trusted her beautiful house/villa for us to stay and chill out and somewhat rejuvenate ourselves from the worries of ze Singaporean lifestyle. Anyway, this was the third time I visited Bali. And it'll be the longest I've ever been away from home and the first time Chris and I will be surviving on our own!

Needless to say, we were both anxious and bloody excited! Our flight was on the 21st that means after my birthday celebration, I had a day to pack and chill out with everyone. Unfortunately, when you're somewhere for 3 weeks you won't record/take picture of everything and anything especially considering the fact that I've already been there twice but I did try my best to snapchat as much as I could on my highlights.

So anyway! We were flying off on the 21st of May and luckily on the flight no one was seated beside me on the window seat so I finally managed to look out the window (As I've never sat on the window seat before) and get some photos. :P I also got to place my bag beside me so that was rather convenient.

I was quite 'suaku' and was so excited at how beautiful everything was!

We landed at night around 8++, took a cab over to the house and settled in for the night! We had pizza for dinner. Which over there it's like 10 bucks for one. The next day which is the 22nd, we had to go around sorting things out as Christian's parents were flying off and we will be alone in house for the next 2 weeks plus. So we went grocery shopping and all that good stuff.

By night time, we were officially on our own! So we cooked and sat at the bar. (We will ending up doing this every night and pretty much spending most of our time there for the whole trip)

*Square pics are from my Instagram.*

Presentation, maybe not so good but let me tell you it tasted fantastic! I'm lucky my boyfriend cooks well hahaha.

And of course Sandy wants some as well. Damn I love this little bugger! You just cannot not love her. She's sooo bloody cute!

And that was that for our 'first' proper day.
  Our adventure begins! 

I can't remember most of the stuff we did and I don't want to bore you with random shit so I'll just let the pictures do the talking. Or rather the pictures and my captions.

So I shall go by the dates!

23rd, if I'm not wrong we had our chiro session and we had jap food!
If you're ever in Sanur, Bali I really recommend seeing Lindsey at
On the 24th we cooked again and this time I got to choose the recipe we were doing for the chicken! So I went researching and pitched the idea to Chris and it was Mustard chicken. It turned out absolutely fantastic and we ate that a few times more while we were there.

Mustard chicken, with spinach again.


View from our table at Cafe Batu Jimbar. Lovely food there.


For dinner we had beef burgers at The Fire Station. The burgers are absolutely delicious. More on the pricey side but very worth it. 


We cooked once again and this time we did Mustard pork which was freaking awesome.


The view from the bed. Yes, you wake up to this everyday. Though at night it's very creepy. Chris and I got freaked out a lot by the dogs barking at nothing in the middle night. 

Awesome natural flare from the sun! hahaha.


One of the things I told Christian I wanted to do this time was to see the sunrise at the beach. On the 7th of June we finally went and did just that!! I'm a sucker for things like that, it was definitely one of the most memorable experiences I had with Chris. I was so excited!! We didn't sleep that night and I waited for time to pass till it was around 5.30am, changed, Chris had his beer in hand while I had my bottle of coke and off we cycled to beach! We arrived rather early so we waited quite awhile but every bit of the wait was worth it to me.

It was such a beautiful sight, seeing the hue of the sky gradually change into a beautiful orange. It was a Sunday so the atmosphere was amazing. I was just absolutely in love. We took lots of pictures and I wanted to share them on here. :)

A shot of Chris when it was still really really dark! We found this perfect little spot!


Us tryin' to be artsy LOL. 

I was honestly just STARING at the very calm waves. The way it reflected the light shining through was just absolute beauty.

I looked like a hobo, I did. But I was one happy hobo.

A shot of Chris, after much persuasion.

My absolute favorite shot! 

Taken by Christian. He went back after we were about to leave just to take a last picture! All of these photos were taken using his Note 4 and I must say I am bloody impressed by the camera.
And so this was definitely the highlight of my whole trip! To me, it's things like this that makes life really worth living. I told Christian now that we've done this, I'm gonna make us go see all the sunrises around the world hahaha.

Another awesome thing I got to experience in Bali was Yoga. We had classes with Lisa who teaches Iyengar Yoga. Mostly focuses on symmetry and alignment as well as breathing. When practicing Iyengar we often used belts as well as blocks. That was something very new to me and I completely enjoyed it. I love how much it takes my mind off things and focus on my body and what it's able to do.

I had such a wonderful experience with it I honestly do wish to continue doing Yoga here in Singapore. 

Presenting to you, Luigi!! She's such a lovely girl. But with a depressing past that has made her quite protective and insecure at times but so so loving! 
And this is Shumba! The awesome Ridgeback that lives to kill cats. One night when we were sitting at the bar, a cat came into the house and almost got killed by him. At one point of time Shumba had the cat in his mouth. Thank heavens the cat didn't get injured but sadly Chris got bitten by the cat when he tried to get the cat out. It was hella scary. 

So this is the Carbonara we cooked (I prepped while chris did the real cooking) for Christian's parents the night they arrived as it was their Wedding Anniversary! Plenty sweet ei :P 

The cozy little gelato place we frequent very often for super creamy and fantastic gelato. One of the great things about Bali is that you get awesome ice cream for real cheap. This was taken on our last night so it was really bittersweet hahaha.

Breakfast/lunch at Cafe Batu Jimbar again the day we were flying off! I dyed my hair purple the night before using a dye I bought at Hardy's(supermarket) for like 90 cents!!

My rental bike which I LOVED. Oh and ring on my index finger from Christian's mum as a gift from South Africa. Love it! 

Overall, my trip was really a learning experience. We had to be responsible, feeding the dogs every night, making food for ourselves, doing the things needed to get done at Christian's mum's atelier etc. One of the shittest things though, was getting by mosquitoes almost every night even after applying loads of insect repellent. Somehow I guess they really really liked me and even bit me on my eye after I've covered every other spot you could possibly think off. Little shits.

I'm also very very afraid of insects and well we basically live in a garden. The insects were definitely NOT fun for me. In the afternoon when all the bees come out to pollinate and the insects are happy and flying around is the time I hate most. We also had a funny experience with a flying cockroach in the middle of the night once. That was hilarious. I also killed a lizard with a drawer, ACCIDENTALLY. We gave him a funeral though. Named him toothpick because Chris had to put it out of it's miserable by horribly killing it with a toothpick.


To sum this all up, I made a video using the bits and pieces of the snapchats I took while I was there!


We had a bunch of funny experiences over the course of the trip and it was most definitely one of the best times of my life. I believe not everyone can just say fuck it and go overseas like that especially in Singapore and I am hella grateful I was given the opportunity to do so while I still can. I was able to learn new things and learn to be independent. All this wouldn't have been possible if not for Christian's mum and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity she gave me.

3 Weeks in Bali was amazing but we both couldn't wait to come home. For me, mostly because I didn't want to be massacred by mosquitoes every night. And pollinating bees... 

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