
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My First Photoshoot!

Hi guys! So thanks to my sister, she introduced me to Ricky who was willing to shoot me for my first photoshoot! As that day, Ricky was going to shoot my baby nephew Tyrael and so we all went together. :)

I was a tad nervous before that, I mean it's not easy getting used to being in front of the camera. If it was me 3-4 ago I would be terrified! I was a very very shy girl but that would be a story for next time hahaha. So anyway, I decided on both my outfit and makeup myself with a bit of help from my sister.

I had rushed to get the perfect floppy hat just a day before the shoot! Thankfully I managed to find one at forever 21. So the outfit details -
Hat - Forever 21
Blouse - Berskha
Skirt - Given to me, I think.
Heels - 10 bucks at a flea!

So yes! Do enjoy the pictures guys! Thanks to Ricky Quah for capturing these shots that I really really love and making my first photoshoot experience an extremely pleasant one indeed. :)


 Before taking this photo, I was holding on to one of the flowers and I accidentally plucked it off. After which I apologized to the flower/tree and Ricky started laughing at me. 

This photo too had a funny backstory! To take this photo I had to walk a couple of steps and turn but
i focused so much on my turning and hand placement that I forgot to smile hahaha. 


So that's it! If you were to ask me to choose one as my favourite, honestly I can't. I love them all! The way Ricky works with his camera is effortless. It was really great working with him! :) If you're interested in his works you can check him out on Facebook 'Ricky Quah'. 

I guess that's all for this post, next one coming up will be about my second photoshoot experience!

Monday, March 2, 2015

February Highlights

Now that we're welcoming yet another month, I thought I shall do a February Highlights post! Some rather personal pictures from last month to sum it all up. It's my life as it is. Two months has passed quite fast to be honest. I've changed so much comparing me from a year ago. 

So far, this year has been going pretty well I would say. Surprising my brother by getting him the graphic card he wanted overnight was the best. Chinese New Year i felt, brought my family closer once again. Well, I'll let the pictures do the talking. :>


10th - Our little celebration for my brother of which he had the biggest surprise ever when he opened his birthday present. :P 

Imitating each other. Like father like son.

Polaroids taken on the day Ant and I went to my dad's side to bai nian.

Pussy willow. (hehe)

Our little early dinner where we lou hei-ed with the $30 fish. Apparently it's tradition to cantonese to have a sumptuous meal on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year.
Supper the night after. If I recall correctly. 

 Taken on our Karaoke night/getting to know Ashley night :P

My valentine's present. :)
 Our matching lamb shirts which has a pretty stupid backstory to it. 
I shall end the post with a picture of my majestic Cat, Creamy. :)

And so, that's about it! Till next time doods.